Friday, March 25, 2022

Open Fragment From Activity Kotlin

Nice article, but in my opinion the biggest headache on Android is not the Activity vs Fragment vs Views dispute but the general architecture of an app. The first thing one would do is to separate your logic and ui. Although they do involve writing a bit of boilerplate code, in most use cases using Views results in a simpler application lifecycle. When it comes to portability issues, there are basically none with this approach, since you could always wrap your View - and actually that's what Fragments really are. That is just a preference though - View, as I perceive it, could mean the basic UI building block, but it has to be referred to as an idea, that fragments could implement too. The most important thing therefore is to give the view layer an abstraction that can be easily adapted to changes.

open fragment from activity kotlin - Nice article

Fragment can has it's own menu, the fragment menu items are also displayed in android application action bar. This article will show you how to add menu items in android fragment and how to use fragment menu items with activity menu items. TL;DR You can use a target fragment to pass data between fragments in the same way you would use startActivityForResult() and onActivityResult(). You just need to be aware of how add and replace transactions affect the fragment lifecycles, and how to handle the result in each case. This component tracks the fragments in all aspects of their lifecycle.

open fragment from activity kotlin - The first thing one would do is to separate your logic and ui

This includes when they are initialized, started, created, resumed, and destroyed. A LifecycleObserver allows the developer to detect when a specific fragment is active. For instance, an app can display a Snackbar or Toast message. According to the Android documentation, a fragment is a part of applications user interface that is bound to an activity. Fragments have their lifecycle and layouts or UI components. Fragments help enrich your UI design, pass data between different screens, and adapt to different device configurations.

open fragment from activity kotlin - Although they do involve writing a bit of boilerplate code

When the user clicks on the button two things are happening. First, we check to see if FRAGMENT_2 already exists and if it doesn't, we create a new instance of it in order to load it into the activity. Second, we take the text that we entered in the EditText and pass it to the second fragment . Since we are not passing large amounts of data we can use the setArguments() method or the arguments property. If we had large amounts of data to pass to our fragments we should have used a ViewModel.

open fragment from activity kotlin - When it comes to portability issues

This is the "top-level" fragment, showing a list of items that the user can pick. Upon picking an item, it takes care of displaying the data to the user as appropriate based on the current UI layout. Displays a list of items that are managed by an adapter similar to ListActivity. It provides several methods for managing a list view, such as the onListItemClick() callback to handle click events. The fragment uses a helper function to show details of a selected item. You can also review the FragmentTransaction to take a closer look at what modifications can be made at run-time through the manager.

open fragment from activity kotlin - That is just a preference though - View

In this step, we need to determine how users will navigate through the application. Go to the new destination icon and add the questionFragment as the starting point. All we need to do is null check drawerLayout before setting up drawer view and menu icon before we try to close the drawer. If Android decides to use our layout/activity_main.xml, then the view hierarchy will contain a view with IDdrawer_layout.

open fragment from activity kotlin - The most important thing therefore is to give the view layer an abstraction that can be easily adapted to changes

If Android decides to use layout-sw600dp/activity_main.xml, then the view hierarchy will NOT contain a view with that ID. In other words, we are able to use the presence of drawerLayout as an indication of whether we're on a large screen or not. The fragment saves its current dynamic state, so it can later be reconstructed in a new instance of its process is restarted.

open fragment from activity kotlin - Fragment can has its own menu

If a new instance of the fragment later needs to be created, the data you place in the Bundle here will be available in the Bundle given to onCreate, onCreateView, and onActivityCreated. In the code the new fragment restores the state in onActivityCreated(). In portrait mode the application will replace the existing titles fragment with the details fragment if the user taps on one of the names in the list view . We will come back to discuss how this is done in the code in a moment.

open fragment from activity kotlin - This article will show you how to add menu items in android fragment and how to use fragment menu items with activity menu items

Essentially there are two activities and two different fragments used to implement this when the code runs in portrait mode; these activities are FragmentLayout and DetailsActivity. This technique has the advantage of not having to deal with activities and only define all the UI in the Fragments. To the unfamiliar, the Navigation Component is not another UI class that you place instead of a layout for your activity/fragment. Think of it like a map, where instead of continents, you have your fragments, and you will need directions to get from continent to continent.

open fragment from activity kotlin - TLDR You can use a target fragment to pass data between fragments in the same way you would use startActivityForResult and onActivityResult

It presents your fragments and the connections between them in a top down manner. In this article, we will go over the main aspects of this component and learn how we can integrate it into our applications. The NavHost fragment acts as a container or host for all the fragments. In other words, any fragment that is displayed to the user is hosted in this NavHost container. The NavHost fragment is usually created in the primary activity .

open fragment from activity kotlin - You just need to be aware of how add and replace transactions affect the fragment lifecycles

In our case, the primary activity layout is the activity_main.xml. The guide for Integration with Existing Apps details how to integrate a full-screen React Native app into an existing Android app as an Activity. To use React Native components within Fragments in an existing app requires some additional setup. The benefit of this is that it allows for a native app to integrate React Native components alongside native fragments in an Activity. In theonCreateView()method the fragment creates its user interface. Here you can inflate a layout via theinflate()method call of theInflatorobject passed as a parameter to this method.

open fragment from activity kotlin - This component tracks the fragments in all aspects of their lifecycle

Use one activity, which displays two fragments for tablets and on handset devices. In this case change at runtime the fragments displayed by the activity whenever necessary. In this scenario you typically define instances of the FrameLayout class as placeholder in your layout and add the fragments at runtime to them. A lot has changed over the last couple of years when it comes to our development approach in Android. Without wasting too much of your time, let's get into how we can start another fragment for results. This example demonstrates how to send data from one Fragment to another using Kotlin.

open fragment from activity kotlin - This includes when they are initialized

Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇉ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main. In Android, a fragment is a portion of the user interface that can be used again and again. Fragment manages its own layout and has its own life cycle. Since fragment is a small portion of the bigger user interface, it can only be initialized inside an activity or another fragment. So if we wish to display any type of resources, such as a string, or an image inside the fragment, we will need to declare them in the activity and then pass it to the fragment.

open fragment from activity kotlin - A LifecycleObserver allows the developer to detect when a specific fragment is active

So in this article, we will show you how you can pass data from an Activity to the Fragment. Where i need to show drawer i use fragments and where i need to show back or up button i use parent activtiy concept. But it was a good article i learned from it that we can apply a listener on fragments for delivering results to previous fragment.

open fragment from activity kotlin - For instance

Of course this navigation diagram is a fairly a simplistic approach. In this post, we'll learn about full screen dialog fragment Android. For better understanding, I will create a sample app that app contains full screen dialog in Android. Additionally, we'll learn how to pass data dialog to fragment or also.

open fragment from activity kotlin - According to the Android documentation

In this tutorial, we have learned how to add fragments and navigate across different screens. You are, therefore, ready to work on other productive applications. Make sure you run yarn to install your react-native dependencies and run yarn native to start the metro bundler. Run your android app in Android Studio and it should load the JavaScript code from the development server and display it in your React Native Fragment in the Activity. There are a fewways to accomplishthis "always open" behavior on tablets by using DrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_OPEN, but I found them a bit hacky and inelegant.

open fragment from activity kotlin - Fragments have their lifecycle and layouts or UI components

Additionally, by implementing CodePath's example, too much of the view logic would live in the hosted activity, so I set out to see if I could use fragments to solve this problem. Basically, we will have a master fragment that will be used for the drawer view and a detail fragment for the main view. We'll then reuse these fragments in a classic master/detail arrangement on tablets. In addition to that you can use the setRetainState method call on the fragment. This retains the fragment instances between configuration changes.

open fragment from activity kotlin - Fragments help enrich your UI design

It only works if the fragments are not added to the backstack. For purposes of demonstrating the basic usage of the navigation architecture component I will be creating two simple fragments to be shown in this app, Fragment1 and Fragment2. They will both contain a simple TextView with the text "Fragment 1" and "Fragment 2" correspondingly. Fragment1 will also contain a button which will be used later in the tutorial to navigate to Fragment2. In Android, Fragment is a part of an activity which enable more modular activity design. It will not be wrong if we say a fragment is a kind of sub-activity.

open fragment from activity kotlin - When the user clicks on the button two things are happening

It represents a behaviour or a portion of user interface in an Activity. We can combine multiple Fragments in Single Activity to build a multi panel UI and reuse a Fragment in multiple Activities. We always need to embed Fragment in an activity and the fragment lifecycle is directly affected by the host activity's lifecycle.

open fragment from activity kotlin - First

A bundle maps string keys to values and it is used to pass data between activities, fragments and other application components. In the second activity I have two big buttons, each taking up half of the screen horizontally. Each button is suppose to open/start a fragment, button one starts fragment one, and, likewise, button two starts fragment two.

open fragment from activity kotlin - Second

The fragment lifecycle ensures that onCreateView() to build the layout for the fragment. It builds the fragment with a textview -- text.setText(Shakespeare.DIALOGUE[getShownIndex()]) -- and attaches it to a scroller and returns the view which is drawn. Once the changes are made to the FragmentTransaction, commit() is called for the changes to take effect. At any time while your activity is running, you can add fragments to your activity layout. You simply need to specify a ViewGroup in which to place the fragment.

open fragment from activity kotlin - Since we are not passing large amounts of data we can use the setArguments method or the arguments property

To make fragment transactions in your activity , you must use APIs from FragmentTransaction. You can get an instance of FragmentTransaction from your activity as shown below. The end of this thread is the drawing of the details fragment by the new activity as shown below.

open fragment from activity kotlin - If we had large amounts of data to pass to our fragments we should have used a ViewModel

Assume in the path through the onCreate() for the activity that its the first time through the application/activity running. We first create a new fragment , set the index for the item selected and the we use the programmatic approach to adding the fragment. The second way is by adding the fragment dynamically in Java using the FragmentManager. The FragmentManager class and the FragmentTransaction class allow you to add, remove and replace fragments in the layout of your activity at runtime. Instrumentation test cases require device or emulation, and they are slow, but we can run them on different devices simultaneously.

open fragment from activity kotlin - This is the

However, often you can face a situation when all instrumentation test cases are written in the "End to End" approach. It means we always start the test from the initial screen of or application, like the Login or Splash screen. As a result, our End-To-End test cases are slow because we should spend some time on the navigation to the required screen, and only after it, we can start to verify the screen. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account.

open fragment from activity kotlin - Upon picking an item

Really interesting pattern in paper, but as Ryan said, when the projects become large enough the main Activity that holds the Fragments references transforms in something like a 'God' class. The mess that it's caused by it and its maintainability cost, for me, its just not worth it. Navigation in mobile applications, when done right, can have tremendous positive impact on overall user experience. Android offers application developers multiple ways of implementing navigation in their application.

open fragment from activity kotlin - Displays a list of items that are managed by an adapter similar to ListActivity

However, not all navigation patterns are created equal. In this article, Toptal engineer Becze Szabolcs shows us how to implement fragment-based navigation and how it stacks up against Android's traditional navigation philosophy. OnDestroyView() — This method called when the view and related resources created in onCreateView() are removed from the activity's view hierarchy and destroyed.

open fragment from activity kotlin - It provides several methods for managing a list view

A navigation graph outlines all the actions, destinations, and logical connections in an application. It helps you determine how the user will navigate through the application. Back stack allows users to navigate back to the previous activity or fragment. In Activities, back stack is implemented automatically. In fragments, back stack needs to be declared manually using the addToBackStack method.

open fragment from activity kotlin - The fragment uses a helper function to show details of a selected item

If you want to add the transaction to the backstack of Android, you use the addToBackStack() method. This adds the action to the history stack of the activity and allows the user to revert this change via the back button. The FragmentManager class allows you to add, remove and replace fragments in the layout of your activity. It can accessed in an activity via the getFragmentManager() method. Activity and fragment instance have been created as well as the view hierarchy of the activity.

open fragment from activity kotlin - You can also review the FragmentTransaction to take a closer look at what modifications can be made at run-time through the manager

At this point, view can be accessed with thefindViewById()method. Now that these fragments have been created we will now proceed to add them as destinations to the navigation graph using the Navigation Editor inside Android Studio. If we run the app now it will crash as we have not yet added any fragments as destinations to the navigation graph. That means the app will not know what to show inside the NavHostFragment window. We will cover the creation of fragments and adding them to the navigation graph in the next step.

open fragment from activity kotlin - In this step

Hii everyone in this Android Article we are discussing on DialogFragment. Hare we can learn How To open a DialogFragment in activity Android tutorial. We are Create a Dialog fragment in Dialog we can create a user form. This android dialog fragment uses in Activity and opens on button click. So create two fragments by right click on your package folder and create classes and name them as FirstFragment and SecondFragment and add the following code respectively. In this step we open MainActivity and add the code for initiate the Button's.

open fragment from activity kotlin

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